This blog is dedicated to my friend, my mentor, and the best teacher I have ever had. Without him, I would not have embarked on this amazing journey. Split, this blog is for you!
Ponderosa Misty Icon, aka "Split," is a handsome gray Welsh pony who came to me via a phone call "out of the blue" (actually Peterborough, Ontario). Our first few months together were rocky to say the least, which made me question my ability as a horse owner, as a horsewoman, and as a rider. Forty years of horse ownership had not prepared me for this little gray pony!
But we muddled through and because of Split, I have begun a journey that is both spiritual and enlightening. I hope something here resonates with you and that you'll check back now and then.
We leave you with one of our favorite quotes: "The best whisper is a click!"

Friday, February 4, 2011


Got snow? We're up to our arse ends in the stuff these days! Yikes! I tried to take Jelly out for a walk yesterday but both of us ended up struggling and finally giving up. Even with snowshoes on I sunk to my knees and poor Jelly totally disappeared!! She had to literally "doggie paddle" her way thru the snow! I ended up picking her up and carrying her to "safety."
It's been a long time since I've seen a snowfall like this here in the Northeast. When I was a kid, this was standard operating procedure. I have old photos of me when I was 6 or 7 years old, standing beside the snow banks in front of my grandparents' house and those were monster snow banks! We just got used to it. It was WINTER, for heaven's sake and we lived in Vermont! It was to be expected. And I'd never even heard of a "snow day" as a day off from school. This was Vermont! It snowed so deal with it! LOL
Poor Split and Jingle have a very small space outside the barn where they've trampled down enough snow to stand outside and doze in the sun. Split will run and buck and fart and play in the stuff but poor little Jingle the mini donk is pretty much "confined to quarters," i.e., she has the barn and the little spot outside the stall door. The snow is up past her belly!!!!
Well, this, too, shall pass. For now, Jelly and I will be walking around the local tech park with their cleared roads and slow-moving traffic. At least we'll be getting exercise and some UV's. Split and Jingle will eat and doze and just do whatever horses do in the winter. Thank goodness they're both extremely fuzzy critters - no blankets needed. Split will eat his hay outside in any weather - snow, sleet, rain, wind gusts of 50 mph! ha ha He's a trouper, that one! Jingle? She prefers the coziness of the barn. She's no fool!
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! If you're a football fan, I just have this to say.....
GO PACKERS!!!!!!!!!
I idolized Vince Lombardi during my high school years and think this quote of his applies not just to football but to those of us who work with horses as well:

Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence.
Vince Lombardi

1 comment:

  1. We got about 6-8 inches here last night. Which is VERY unusually for Dallas!

    Actually, the city's been shut down most of the week. Dallas just is not prepared to deal with snow/ice.

    I know a lot of businesses/hotels/restaurants are unhappy. They were hoping this would be a big shopping week since the superbowl is in Dallas.

    Glad your critters are keeping warm. Jingle sounds like a smart little donkey!

