Click! You get a peppermint! Click! You get an apple slice! Click! You get a hay stretcher pellet! Click! Click! Click!
Those people at must be clicker trainers. You know that little box that says "Buy With One Click?" Think about that..........CLICK! Wow! I just ordered a hundred dollars worth of books with ONE CLICK! Amazing! Let's do that again! That was fun!
Someone on one of the horse lists or the AC list recommends a book......CLICK! It's mine! And it gets delivered right to my door! CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! My husband had been searching the local libraries for a particular book about the Battle of the Bulge with no success. Being a fan of the click, I said, "I'll take care of this for ya!" CLICK! "Ok, you'll have your book within 3 days." "Really?" says he. "That's amazing!" No, that's the power of the click!!!!!!!!! LOL I'm clickin'! And is slowly but surely gaining control of my credit card and depleting my bank account. CLICK! Yep, I think there's a clicker trainer on their staff.
Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education.
Mark Twain
(apropos of nothing but I do love Mark Twain and I'm the only one who reads this anyway! LOL)
This blog is dedicated to my friend, my mentor, and the best teacher I have ever had. Without him, I would not have embarked on this amazing journey. Split, this blog is for you!
Ponderosa Misty Icon, aka "Split," is a handsome gray Welsh pony who came to me via a phone call "out of the blue" (actually Peterborough, Ontario). Our first few months together were rocky to say the least, which made me question my ability as a horse owner, as a horsewoman, and as a rider. Forty years of horse ownership had not prepared me for this little gray pony!
But we muddled through and because of Split, I have begun a journey that is both spiritual and enlightening. I hope something here resonates with you and that you'll check back now and then.
We leave you with one of our favorite quotes: "The best whisper is a click!"
Ponderosa Misty Icon, aka "Split," is a handsome gray Welsh pony who came to me via a phone call "out of the blue" (actually Peterborough, Ontario). Our first few months together were rocky to say the least, which made me question my ability as a horse owner, as a horsewoman, and as a rider. Forty years of horse ownership had not prepared me for this little gray pony!
But we muddled through and because of Split, I have begun a journey that is both spiritual and enlightening. I hope something here resonates with you and that you'll check back now and then.
We leave you with one of our favorite quotes: "The best whisper is a click!"
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