This blog is dedicated to my friend, my mentor, and the best teacher I have ever had. Without him, I would not have embarked on this amazing journey. Split, this blog is for you!
Ponderosa Misty Icon, aka "Split," is a handsome gray Welsh pony who came to me via a phone call "out of the blue" (actually Peterborough, Ontario). Our first few months together were rocky to say the least, which made me question my ability as a horse owner, as a horsewoman, and as a rider. Forty years of horse ownership had not prepared me for this little gray pony!
But we muddled through and because of Split, I have begun a journey that is both spiritual and enlightening. I hope something here resonates with you and that you'll check back now and then.
We leave you with one of our favorite quotes: "The best whisper is a click!"

Sunday, April 10, 2011

In spring

ee cummings writes that in spring the world is "mud-lucious" and "puddle wonderful!" I love that description! (I'm still waiting for that little goat man to come whistling far and wee......)
Everything is just bursting with life! My crocuses, tulips, lilies and hostas are breaking through the soil, and out in the woods, the skunk cabbage is already about 6" high. I can hear the peepers and wood frogs every evening and the red winged blackbirds are calling from all around the pond. Our great blue heron is back, as are the mallards and Canada geese, and yesterday I saw a bluebird!! If any of you live here in the northeastern part of the U.S. perhaps you've also heard the woodcock out the in the meadows as dusk is falling. I just love their little "beep" as they call out looking for a mate.
The change of seasons is what keeps my blood flowing. Spring brings with it new hope, new life.......I love the smell of the lawn mower when I first pull that starter rope in May and can swear I get high smelling the fresh cut grass! LOL Does anyone have lilacs? On corner of my driveway is a semi-circle of lilacs - dark purple, light purple, and white - and when they're in full bloom, you can smell them even inside the house! I think it's safe to say that my olfactory system goes into over-drive this time of year!
But I have to say that one of my favorite things of all is hanging out the wash. I always think of my grandmother when I send that first load sailing out into the sunshine..........It's a lovely memory! Hey - I think that's the subject for another blog!
Enjoy the impending warm weather, everyone!!!
As a native Vermonter (or "Vermonster" - LOL), I just have to share this quote with you:
The sun was warm but the wind was chill.
You know how it is with an April day.
~Robert Frost

1 comment:

  1. Karleen you little "Vermonster"!!! You are definitely high on springtime!!! Me, too, I love it. And the smell of fresh-mown grass is topped only by the smell of new-cut hay. After my year's supply is delivered and stacked, I spend a LOT of time in the barn just breathing and savoring the aroma. We must be of approximately the same vintage. I still hang laundry out when the weather permits, and fondly remember my grandmother doing the same. Thank you for bringing up all these good feelings.
